YCU 横浜市立大学

Webinar 「Using cognitive science methodologies in language research. Examples for the study of prosody」を開催!

国際教養学部 土屋先生が、マギル大学(カナダ)脳語用論研究所 研究員ジョナサン・カバジェロ氏を講師としてお招きし、チャレンジドの人々などを含む、異文化間コミュニケーションの場での、社会的行為としての言語使用(語用論)について、認知・脳科学の観点から講演頂くwebinarを開催しました。


Dr. Jonathan A. Caballero, postdoctoral researcher at the Neuropragmatics & Emotion Lab, McGill University and Dr Keiko Tsuchiya, an associate professor at YCU gave a seminar on the methodologies of cognitive science and neuroscience for studying language in social interaction contexts, the role of cognition, and how brain activity can offer insights into language processing.
In the webinar, Dr Caballero explained the role of accents and pragmatic distinctions in intercultural communication as well as the latest research on how they affect brain activity in patients with Parkinson's Disease.

Dr Jonathan A. Caballero

 Postdoctoral researcher at the Neuropragmatics & Emotion Lab in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (SCSD), McGill University, Dr Caballero is a cognitive scientist interested in the role that verbal and non-verbal cues play in social situations and in inferring interpersonal traits, and how these processes influence interactions and well-being in healthy and clinical populations. His long-term research goal is to generate knowledge on how ambiguous social information is used for decision-making and to inform interventions for improving the quality of life and health-related outcomes of vulnerable populations.

土屋 慶子(Dr Keiko Tsuchiya)

(和文)  国際教養学部准教授。博士(応用言語学)。教育やビジネス、医療現場での会話において、人々は、いかに社会的文化的アイデンティティを表出し、参与者間の関係性や場を協働的に創り出しているのか。複数話者による会話を、言語に加え、身振りや視線などマルチモーダルな要素にも注目し、研究を行う。 (英語) Dr Tsuchiya’s research interests include multimodal analysis in healthcare interaction, especially in emergency care settings with eye-tracking glasses, multilingual education and practice involving Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in institutional and academic settings.
