What is the Writing Center?

The Writing Center is a place where students can brainstorm ideas about topics for writing assignments, discuss the organization and content of their papers, and ask questions about areas of concern or weakness. Students in any stage of the writing process are welcome from those who aren't sure what they want to write to those who already have completed drafts! Do you need help generating topics of interest? Come to the Writing Center. Are you worried about having too little or too much information? Come to the Writing Center. Do you want to make your English language more academic or more natural? Come to the Writing Center. Any type of academic writing or writing assignment is welcome (see our Writing Center Flyer for examples).
What is a Writing Center appointment like?

First, a student will contact the PEC by email to ask for an appointment at a time/day of their choosing. Students can choose a face-to-face appointment or Zoom appointment. Appointments are for 40 minutes, but the time is the student's, and you may use as much or as little of the time as you need. Students can make one appointment per day, but also make an appointment on every day that appointments are accepted. Second, once your appointment is confirmed, you will receive the Writing Center instructor's email address. If you already have something you have written, send your draft to the instructor and tell him or her what you would like to discuss regarding your paper, for example, the paper's organization, the naturalness of your English, or the use of academic vocabulary. If you haven't written anything yet, that is fine, just send your instructor and an email detailing what you would like to discuss such as topic creation, starting or ending a paper, or appropriate information to include in your paper. Any issues or questions you have about your writing we will gladly discuss with you. Third, on the day and time of your appointment show up for your appointment. The Writing Center instructor will try to answer all your questions and help you with your writing concerns. Often the Writing Center instructor will ask you questions about what you were trying to say, this will help both you and the instructor understand your true goals in writing the paper. Don't worry about using perfect English, just do your best and together you and the Writing Center instructor will find ways to improve your writing or address your writing concerns. At the end of your session, you can make another appointment for the same paper or the next time you have writing questions you can contact the PEC to schedule an appointment.