COVID関連研究(センター病院 心臓血管センター)
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COVID関連研究(センター病院 心臓血管センター)
new! 2022.5.18
Impact of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors on COVID-19
センター病院 心臓血管センター 松澤 泰志 講師
循環器・腎臓・高血圧内科学 田村功一主任教授
Chronic Kidney Disease and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 in Japan
センター病院 心臓血管センター内科 佐藤 亮佑 医師(University of Göttingen留学中)
松澤 泰志 講師、日比 潔 准教授、木村 一雄 客員教授
循環器・腎臓・高血圧内科学 田村 功一 主任教授
Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors and the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 in Kanagawa, Japan: a retrospective cohort study
センター病院 心臓血管センター 松澤 泰志 講師、木村一雄教授、
循環器・腎臓・高血圧内科学 田村功一主任教授
Since the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak initiated on the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship at Yokohama harbor in February 2020, we have been doing our best to treat COVID-19 patients. In animal experiments, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II type-1 receptor blockers (ARBs) are reported to suppress the downregulation of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), and they may inhibit the worsening of pathological conditions. We aimed to examine whether preceding use of ACEIs and ARBs affected the clinical manifestations and prognosis of COVID-19 patients. One hundred fifty-one consecutive patients (mean age 60 +/- 19 years) with polymerase-chain-reaction proven severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection who were admitted to six hospitals in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, were analyzed in this multicenter retrospective observational study. Among all COVID-19 patients, in the multiple regression analysis, older age (age >= 65 years) was significantly associated with the primary composite outcome (odds ratio (OR) 6.63, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.28-22.78,P < 0.001), which consisted of (i) in-hospital death, (ii) extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, (iii) mechanical ventilation, including invasive and noninvasive methods, and (iv) admission to the intensive care unit. In COVID-19 patients with hypertension, preceding ACEI/ARB use was significantly associated with a lower occurrence of new-onset or worsening mental confusion (OR 0.06, 95% CI 0.002-0.69,P = 0.02), which was defined by the confusion criterion, which included mild disorientation or hallucination with an estimation of medical history of mental status, after adjustment for age, sex, and diabetes. In conclusion, older age was a significant contributor to a worse prognosis in COVID-19 patients, and ACEIs/ARBs could be beneficial for the prevention of confusion in COVID-19 patients with hypertension.
動物実験では、アンギオテンシン変換酵素阻害薬(ACEI)やアンギオテンシンII 1型受容体遮断薬(ARB)がアンギオテンシン変換酵素2(ACE2)のダウンレギュレーションを抑制することが報告されており、COVID-19の病態の悪化を抑制する可能性があります。この研究は、ACEIとARBの先行使用がCOVID-19患者さんの臨床症状と予後に影響するかどうかを検討することを目的としました。結論として、高齢であることがCOVID-19の重症化に最も大きく寄与しており、ACEI/ARBは高血圧患者のCOVID-19肺炎による意識障害防止に有益であったことが判明しました。